Although this recent project is not one of crochet, I still wanted to share what I've done. I had intended to crochet Parker a fish mobile to hang above her crib prior to her birth. Well, she is now six months and until today she had no mobile. So, the girls and I went to the craft store to pick up some paper supplies to make this butterfly mobile for Parker. I found the idea on the
Indie Fixx blog. I used two dowels but I didn't really know how to tie them together evenly, so it's a bit off kilter. I also used beading wire, so the lower beads do not weigh down the strands of butterflies as I had hoped. Nevertheless, I really like how it turned out.
Brynn picked out some paper so that I can also make a mobile for her room, but she'd like birds. So, we'll see what can do about that.